Breed: Husky Retriever

Age: Young

Sex: F

Size: LChinook was surrendered by her owner late October . She was quite upset and disturbed to be abandoned the first few days, but has settled down now after getting used to the shelter atmosphere. Apparently her mother is a purebred husky but it's unknown what breed her father was. She was spayed Oct 26, so is now ready to go to a new home as soon as possible. Chinook went on trial for a couple of weeks and the people who had her think she is a very smart dog, and eager to learn and quite teachable and obedient. They didn't walk her on leash much, though when they did she seemed fine - but she sticks close by when off leash, only a few feet away - she really just wants to be with people. She's good with kids, cats and other dogs. Not sure if she's house trained as she had only been outdoors or in the porch. She does have issue with being confined in smaller areas, so it's suggested she be either outside in a yard or inside with people and not shut up in a porch or confined area alone. They had to return her only because they did live on an unfenced cabin property and she was wandering off, though not far and only when they weren't home. But they didn't want her wandering to neighbouring cabins, so returned her. It's suggested that she go to a home with a fenced yard, or at least an acreage/farm property with no close by neighbours who may have issue with a dog wandering onto their property.
Our dog adoption fee is $160 which includes spay/neuter, shot, rabies shot and microchip. For online adoption application or details on any other animals we have available for adoption - check out our petfinder page at Our application link is in red below the featured pet photos. Also, check our youtube account to see if any other videos of this pet have been uploaded there: Call 240- or send a message to mldhs via kijiji. As our email and cell phones are monitored by busy volunteers, it may take us a couple of days to reply. We thank you for your patience. NOTE: Our organization offers 24PetWatch microchips, which include free registration into the 24PetWatch pet recovery service. For more information visit or call 1-866-597-. This pet also comes with 30 days of pre-paid pet health insurance. For more information please visit or call 1-866-375-PETS.

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Contact: Meadow Lake & District Humane Society | Meadow Lake, SK